Elevating Diversely

Elevating your aspirations
Case study


Diversely is a tech start-up who work with recruiters, talent acquisition, hiring managers, HR and D&I leaders across multiple industries globally to provide an automated, platform-based D&I recruitment solution that helps businesses measure and improve the diversity of their candidate pipeline.

Client details

Diversely - now an Access Group company Industry | Recruitment Link

Graham, Amy and the Altitude team are quite simply gamechangers in the accountancy space. As founders of a three-year old tech UK HQ’d start-up with international offices on the verge of an acquisition, Graham was recommended to us through a local connection. He immediately understood our position and requirements, getting straight to work on what was needed. As experts in this space, Graham and Amy successfully advised, supported and actively helped us to navigate the - often complex - accountancy and completion processes to ensure we could comfortably close the deal. We were so grateful for their friendly, down-to-earth approach and efficient ways of working. Thank you to the Altitude team for all their support, highly recommended!

Helen + Hayley Co Founders of Diversely

Business challenges

Diversely came to Altitude already three quarters of the way through the sales process to a large corporate. Having navigated a lot of the sale process themselves with ad hoc legal and financial support, they’d got to a point where they felt they needed professional help. Their main criteria was to talk with people who would cut through the jargon, get to the issues and solve them quickly and efficiently!

Upon meeting Graham and Amy to talk through the situation and discuss the right next steps, they appointed Altitude to sort out their financial records on Xero, prepare the completion accounts along with reviewing the financial and tax areas of the sale and negotiating working capital targets.