Yesterday (23/3/20), The House of Commons Public Bill Committee published a proposed amendment to the Coronavirus Bill, which – if approved – will provide ‘statutory self employment pay’ This would mean that self-employed people and freelancers would be guaranteed either, 80% of their monthly, net earnings (averaged over the last three years) or £2,917 per month, which ever equates to less. The purpose of this amendment is to ensure the government ‘tops up’ self-employed workers in line with employed individuals. Please remember that this is only proposed for now, so watch this space. We will update you once we know if this bill has been passed. . . . #freelancers #selfemployeed #smallbusinesses #covid19support #businessadvice #elevateyourbusiness

Yesterday (23/3/20), The House of Commons Public Bill Committee published a proposed amendment to the Coronavirus Bill, which - if approved - will provide 'statutory self employment pay'  This would mean that self-employed people and freelancers would be guaranteed either,  80% of their monthly, net earnings (averaged over the last three years) or £2,917 per month, which ever equates to less.  The purpose of this amendment is to ensure the government 'tops up' self-employed workers in line with employed individuals.  Please remember that this is only proposed for now, so watch this space. We will update you once we know if this bill has been passed.